Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 8 '05 eng>rus World Biker Guides putevoditel' po motitsikletnym marshrutam (puteshestvij) (v raznyh stranah) pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '05 eng>rus In non-planing fleets and/or light weather conditions, the windward legs see... ...порядок следования (судов/гонщиков) часто меняется pro closed no
4 Jan 13 '05 eng>rus sailboat doesn't have roller furling for the jib, so you need to leave it up just the meaning pro closed no
- Dec 27 '04 eng>rus the helmsman was sitting out, using the toe straps ножные ремни pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '04 eng>rus air shot off the tee promashka, oshibka pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '04 eng>rus 9-hole par 3 golf course поле для гольфа на 9 лунок... pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '04 eng>rus green fee plata za pol'zovanie polem pro closed ok
4 Mar 21 '04 eng>rus tie кубковая игра, встреча pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '04 eng>rus tie ничья pro closed ok
- Nov 25 '03 eng>rus the right- and left-wing positions вы правильно понимаете, по-моему pro closed ok
4 Nov 20 '03 eng>rus arm bar может быть, "укрывание мяча рукой", может быть "отталкивание защитника рукой" pro closed ok
4 Sep 18 '03 eng>rus trail referee судья на линии pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered