Translation glossary: Liz Askew's French-English medical glossary

Showing entries 51-100 of 487
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échantillon natifuntreated sample 
French to English
échauffement cutanéchafing of the skin 
French to English
échelle EGFGAF scale 
French to English
échographie de stress démaquilléestress [test] ultrasound performed without anti-ischaemic therapy 
French to English
équilibre fragilefine balance 
French to English
équinisme à l’appuiweight bearing equinus 
French to English
étagéat different levels 
French to English
étalement cardiqueenlarged cardiac silhouette 
French to English
évolution sinistrosiquetraumatic or compensatory neurosis/sinistrosis 
French to English
être en TAexperiencing atrial tachycardia 
French to English
œdème des tégumentsoedema of the skin/integumentary system 
French to English
banc de force d'Ejection Multitesttest bed for Multitest Ejection Force 
French to English
band formsformes à bâtonnet 
English to French
bandagisterie[miscellaneous] medical equipment supplier 
French to English
Bascompression stockings 
French to English
baseline pressurepression de base 
English to French
BCPBromocresol purple [indicator] 
French to English
bilan phosphocalciquecalcium and phosphorus levels 
French to English
biocollecteurair contamination monitor/biocollector 
French to English
biologie de controlefollow-up laboratory tests 
French to English
bouffée pointuebursts of (rapid) sharp waves 
French to English
Bourse de prolèneProlene purse-string suture 
French to English
Brittle nerve -syndromesyndrome démyélinisant/affection démyélinisante 
English to French
bulletin d'envoidelivery note 
French to English
CAFAS (certificat d'aptitude à la fonction d'aide-soignant)CNA/NA/Aux-N/HCA 
French to English
Calibrage Saphènemapping/preparation of saphenous vein 
French to English
canalicules *en virgule*comma-shaped curvatures of the/comma-shaped/dentinal tubules 
French to English
canister de liaisonconnecting canaster 
French to English
capacite aerienneTLC (total lung capacity) 
French to English
Cardiologue Attaché de Gardeon-duty/on-call sessional Cardiologist 
French to English
Cardiopathie dilatée à coronaires sainesDilated cardiomyopathy with normal coronary arteries 
French to English
cardiopathie dilateedilated cardiomyopathy 
French to English
catamenial seizurecrise cataméniale 
English to French
CAVAV canal 
French to English
CC, médecinLecturer 
French to English
CCAMCCAM - Classification Commune des Actes médicaux (Common Classification of Medical Procedures) 
CE MED. INT 1 (xxx - name)Outpatients - Internal Medicine 
French to English
CE MED. INT 1 (xxx - name)Outpatients - Internal Medicine/Board Certified for Internal Medicine?? 
French to English
Cecome centralecentral CECOME (Central Office for Purchasing Medicines) 
French to English
cellules réfringeantesrefractive cells 
French to English
certificat de formation longue en oncologieCertificate for Long-Term Training [course] in Oncology 
French to English
certificat de formation longue en oncologieCertificate of Long-Term Training [course] in Oncology 
French to English
chaînes sous-pelviennespelvic floor muscle group 
French to English
Chaire de recherche environnement cancerEnvironment-Cancer Research Chair/Research Chair into links beween the environment and cancer 
French to English
chapelets (assemblage de 2 à 3 particules au maximum)"string of beads" (group of 2 to 3 particles maximum) 
French to English
code ACLACL code (ACL = French technical association which groups together the entire Healthcare profession 
French to English
Code GMDNGlobal medical device nomenclature code 
French to English
coefficient de résorptionreabsorption coefficient 
French to English
cohorte ICEICE ifosfamide, carboplatine, etoposide) cohort 
French to English
collecteur de précipitations de type jauge Hibernia.Hibernia deposition gauge type collector 
French to English
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