Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

PO (Protective Order)

Indonesian translation:

Perintah Perlindungan

Added to glossary by ErichEko ⟹⭐
Feb 27, 2022 11:27
2 yrs ago
18 viewers *
English term


English to Indonesian Other Cinema, Film, TV, Drama subtitle
Beberapa polisi sedang mengamati monitor kamera pengawas, di mana terlihat seorang ayah yang diduga melakukan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga sedang menggandeng putrinya yang terlihat ketakutan dan bingung, seolah anak itu mau cari pertolongan:

Wait, we've got a PO.
Is this kid going to ask for help?

Apa ya artinya "PO" di sini?

Change log

Apr 9, 2022 05:02: ErichEko ⟹⭐ Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 hr

perintah perlindungan

Tunggu, kita punya perintah perlindungan.
Apa anak ini bakal minta bantuan?

Mengapa demikian?
PO adalah penangkal berulangnya KDRT (domestic violence), sebagaimana ditunjukkan telusuran berikut:
Also called a restraining order, protective orders (PO) are civil, legal interventions in domestic violence to protect victims from further abuse. Protective orders protect victims by prohibiting the abusive partner from committing acts of violence, threatening, harassing, or stalking family members. Violation of a PO results in criminal penalties such as fines, imprisonment or both.

Nama lain perintah ini: Protection Order, Order of Protection.

Tapi, kenapa mesti dilaporkan? Apakah polisi tidak dapat langsung bertindak?
Ya, secara prosedur korban harus melapor. Berikut rujukannya:
Call the police, 911, if your abuser violated the Order of Protection. The police must arrest if there is reasonable cause that the Order of Protection was violated.

Atau juga ini:
A law enforcement officer who does not make an arrest after investigating a complaint of domestic violence, or who arrests two or more parties, shall submit a detailed, written report specifying the grounds for not arresting any party or for arresting both parties.

Jadi, dalam kasus KDRT, penegak hukum harus menerima dahulu aduan, menyelidiki, baru memutuskan untuk menangkap atau tidak.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks."
6 mins

public order (crime) - kejahatan terhadap ketertiba umum

In criminology, public-order crime is defined by Siegel (2004) as "crime which involves acts that interfere with the operations of society and the ability of people to function efficiently", i.e., it is behaviour that has been labelled criminal because it is contrary to shared norms, social values, and customs. Robertson (1989:123) maintains a crime is nothing more than "an act that contravenes a law". Generally speaking, deviancy is criminalized when it is too disruptive and has proved uncontrollable through informal sanctions.

by AD PURNAMA — Public order crime (kejahatan terhadap ketertiban umum) atau victimless crime (kejahatan tanpa korban). Contoh: perjudian. (gambling);.
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1 hr

Buronan Tersangka (Proclaimed Offender)

Setelah mengobrak-abrik Internet, saya menemukan istilah 'Proclaimed Offender' yg biasa disingkat PO.

Jadi, mungkin ini cocok dg konteks di film tsb.

PO (Proclaimed Offender) = tersangka pelaku kejahatan yg melarikan diri atau bersembunyi agar tidak tertangkap oleh polisi.

Karena tersangka melarikan diri, maka pengadilan mengumumkan (proclaim) orang tsb sebagai tersangka pelaku tindak pidana, dan polisi menyebarkan pengumuman (proclamation) pengadilan tsb melalui media elektronik maupun cetak, yg dipasang di berbagai lokasi publik agar siapa pun yg mengetahui keberadaannya segera melapor kepada polisi atau segera meringkusnya jika memungkinkan.

Dg kata lain, seorang proclaimed offender bisa ditangkap tanpa surat perintah penangkapan baik oleh polisi maupun orang sipil karena sudah ada proclamation dari pengadilan.

Ini praktik hukum yg lazim di negara yg menerapkan sistem hukum common law.

Sekarang kembali ke leptop. Jadi, apa padanan bahasa Indonesia untuk PO tsb?

Terjemahan harfiahnya:

proclaimed offender = tersangka (pelaku tindak pidana) yg diumumkan (oleh pengadilan).

Terjemahan bebasnya:

proclaimed offender = buronan tersangka (pelaku tindak pidana).

A Proclaimed Offender (P.O) proceeding is a process of the court through which the person is declared proclaimed offender and directs the concerned police officials to arrest the person named in the proceeding and produce him before the court and the name and details of the proclaimed offender are published in the newspapers declaring him/her to be a proclaimed offender.

Kejati Sumut Tangkap Buronan Tersangka Korupsi Bank di Kota Medan
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