The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
concentro nel pieno e successivamente sotto vuoto condensation cycles under normal pressure and under vacuum
lamiere inscatolate metal box sections
Entered by: Tom in London
refrigerante a ricadere collegato a smeriglio. coolant dripper connected with frosted glass neck
stereregolatori steric regulators
"calotte ellettiche" elliptical cap
"volta dell'autoclave" top of the autoclave
"vuoto ante (operam)" pre-operation vacuum (conditions)
(si riscalda su) b.m. -> bagnomaria -> bain marie -> (heated in) water bath
+ Rimb.stampati + printing fee/expenses
7°C b.s. 7ºC db (dry bulb temperature)
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
a freddo ice-cold
Entered by: liz askew
A MEZZO CO2 By (means of) carbon dioxide
a valle downstream
abbattimento a soda Soda wash
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
abbattitore scrubber
abbattitore fumane lavate Washed smoke scrubber
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
accedere ai servizi access the washrooms and WCs
Entered by: Michael Meskers
acidi aminochelati amino acid chelates
acido cicloesadiacetico Cyclohexane diacetic acid.
acido citrico anidro FU IX citric acid anhydrous OIP IX
acido etidronico etidronic acid
acido idrossilico hydroxylic acid
acqua frazionata Water spray
Entered by: Laura T.
acqua grezza unpurified/untreated water
acqua monouso single-use water
Entered by: Don Green
acqua refrigerata in camicia cooled/chilled water in the jacket
Entered by: Joseph Tein
acque di sfioro/acqua di sfioro overflow water
addista ADDISTA
additivo EP EP additive
agente bloccante della diffusione di reazione reaction-diffusion blocking agent
agente complessate complexing agent
agenti antiurto buffering agents
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
agenti basificanti basifying agents
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
agisce da energetico fondente (is) an effective flux component
agitatore a scosse shaker
ago ad uncino hook-shaped needle
Entered by: Danielle Coleman
agrofarmaco phytosanitary product/pesticide
Entered by: liz askew
alcali forti strong alkalis
Entered by: Kate Chaffer
alcolato alcoholate
alcole alcohol
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