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          • Term
            • Gross Rating Point
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          • Definition(s)
            • Gross Rating Point (GRP) is a measure of size of an advertising campaign across media channels or over a particular channel. GRP is not a measure of the number of audience reached, in fact it quantifies the impression formed on audiences and hence as a percentage of target population, it can be greater than 100 as well. GRP is frequently used by media buyers to measure the strength of different components of a media plan. MBA Skool
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The base for measuring reach in GRP calculations is typically the largest measured population with reasonable access to media. - Ipsos by
            • Just because an ad aired on a TV network doesn’t mean people actually watched it. Also, with the rise of DVRs, the value of the GRP changes based on whether people watched a show when it first aired on TV or at a later time. - Digiday by
            • The impact of GRP on a marketing campaign is deceptive. A high rating may indicate a larger number of consumers are viewing a company's advertisements, but these views don't necessarily make an advertising campaign successful. - Small Business by
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