Powwow Report for België - Antwerp (Dec 11 2004)

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Report from  Ben Hickman
The Powwow at Bow's Restaurant in Antwerp, Belgium on December 11, 2004 was attended by 6 ProZ members and 2 friends. The restaurant was very easy to reach by car or train and the staff was very friendly and accommodating, making it an excellent choice for a future Powwow.
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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Hilde Ekama-Van Bogaert
Yannick Schepens
Ben Hickman
Aurore Fussen
Leticia de Agustín Fernández (X)
Hilde Brems

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 12 '04  Hilde Brems: Thanks
Hello Ben, Hilde, Leticia, Betsy, Yannick, Aurore, Philippe, it was really nice meeting you all and hearing about all these experiences. I'm already looking forward to the following POWWOW. Special thanks to Ben for organising this. See you all!
Dec 12 '04  Aurore Fussen: Thanks to all
We enjoyed too, Philippe & myself.
Dec 12 '04  Hilde Ekama-Van Bogaert: Nice meeting you all
I really enjoyed the evening and thought it was very nice meeting you all. Thanks Ben for organizing this.