translation contests »
26 translation contest: "Game on" » English to German

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

Discussion and feedback about the competition in this language pair may now be provided by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" page for this pair. Entries may also be individually discussed by clicking the "Discuss" link next to any listed entry.

Source text in English

Computer games were, at one time, unified. We didn’t even have the term “casual game” in 1993, let alone the idea that a first-person shooter (then an unnamed genre) could be considered a “hardcore title.” There were people who played computer games, and people who didn’t. People who got way into golf or Harpoon or hearts or text adventures — those were the “hardcore” players, in that they played their chosen field obsessively.

When Myst and the CD-ROM finally broached the mass market, this ecosystem was disrupted. Myst had, Robyn Miller makes clear, been designed to appeal to non-gamers. It sold to them. Enthusiast magazines like Computer Gaming World couldn’t set the taste for the industry anymore: there were millions buying games who didn’t read these magazines. An entirely new breed of player. In this situation, what could be more natural than concocting an us-and-them formula? In a very real way, it was already true.

The great narrative of Myst is that the “hardcore” game press and playerbase lambasted it when it launched. Disowned it. A slideshow, they called it. Abstruse, idiotic puzzles; pretty graphics and not much depth. “Critics and hardcore game players universally panned it as a slide-show that had little actual gameplay interaction”, claimed PC Gamer’s Michael Wolf in 2001.That same year, a columnist for Maximum PC recalled Myst as a “tedious code-breaking and switch-throwing mess”, and saw its then-new remake realMYST as “a pointed reminder of why the press dumped on the original so heavily when it came out.”

The winning entry has been announced in this pair.

There were 9 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase, 7 of which were selected by peers to advance to the finals round. The winning entry was determined based on finals round voting by peers.

Competition in this pair is now closed.

Entries (9 total; 7 finalists) Expand all entries

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Language variants:
Entry #32492 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Germany
Voting points1st2nd3rd
8120 x401 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.074.13 (15 ratings)4.00 (15 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 8 "like" tags
  • 4 users agreed with "likes" (5 total agrees)
Früher war die Computerspielewelt eins.
Flows well
Good solut​ion
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
da sie in ihrer gewählten Domäne mit leidenschaftlicher Hingabe spielten.
Flows well
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
brachte das dieses Ökosystem aus dem Gleichgewicht.
Flows well
Peter Zauner
Magazine für Gaming-Enthusiasten
Flows well
elegant ge​löst, lies​t sich gut
Sabine Reich
Dies entsprach damals im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes der Realität.
Flows well
Verbindet ​als einzig​es die bei​den Sätze ​mit Rückbe​zug sinnha​ft miteina​nder
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
Flows well
not in ori​ginal, but​ works wel​l, binding​ the parag​raphs toge​ther
Constanze Wehnes
Sie distanzierten sich energisch davon
Flows well
exzellent ​formuliert​!
Sabine Reich
eindrückliche Erinnerung
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes
Entry #32369 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Isabel Blumer (X)
Isabel Blumer (X)
Voting points1st2nd3rd
1908 x23 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.203.13 (16 ratings)3.27 (15 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 2 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
Einstmals waren Computerspiele etwas Einheitliches
Flows well
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
Die Leute, die sich stundenlang in Spielen wie Golf, Harpoon, Solitär oder Text-Adventures verloren, waren damals „Hardcore“ Gamer.
Flows well
Peter Zauner
Als Myst und die CD-ROM auf den Massenmarkt kamen, erschütterten sie dieses Ökosystem.
Good term selection
Peter Zauner
Good term selection
nice choic​e
Constanze Wehnes
„lästiges Durcheinander von Code knacken und Schalter umlegen“
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #32453 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
193 x42 x23 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.653.50 (14 ratings)3.79 (14 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (2 total agrees)
Good term selection
Susanne Gläsel
vordrangen, wurde dieses Ökosystem gestört
Flows well
Schöne Wor​twahl / ni​ce choice ​of words
André Klein Martins
kaum Tiefgang
Flows well
Susanne Gläsel
wenig echter Interaktion im Spiel
Flows well
The only t​ranslation​ that actu​ally trans​lated this​.
Isabel Blumer (X)
Entry #32437 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Susann Romans
Susann Romans
United States
Voting points1st2nd3rd
1003 x24 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.473.43 (14 ratings)3.50 (14 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
  • 3 users disagreed with "likes" (3 total disagrees)
die Welt der Computerspiele
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes
mal davon abgesehen, dass damals ein Name für dieses Genre noch nicht existierte.
Flows well
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
Good term selection
idiomatic,​ conveys m​eaning wel​l
Constanze Wehnes
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes
Entry #32215 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
71 x41 x21 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.932.93 (14 ratings)2.93 (14 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
Entweder man spielte Computerspiele oder nicht.
Flows well
Peter Zauner
aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht
Flows well
Constanze Wehnes
Entry #32462 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Germany
Voting points1st2nd3rd
502 x21 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.113.07 (15 ratings)3.14 (14 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
geschweige denn
Good term selection
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
Sie waren die Käuferzielgruppe
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes
konnten in der Branche keine Trends mehr setzen:
Good term selection
Peter Zauner
„prägnante Erinnerung, warum die Presse ein solch vernichtendes Urteil über das Original fällte, als es herauskam“
Good term selection
Peter Zauner
Entry #32459 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
301 x21 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.982.75 (16 ratings)3.20 (15 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
Der Clou der Geschichte von Myst ist
Good term selection
meaning we​ll conveye​d
Peter Zauner
langweiliges Codeknacken und Schaltwirrwarr
Good term selection
Constanze Wehnes

Non-finalist entries

The following entries were not selected by peers to advance to finals-round voting.

Entry #32291 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Germany
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.472.27 (15 ratings)2.67 (15 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
mühsames Codeknacken und Schalter-Wurf-Chaos
Good term selection
Peter Zauner
Entry #32318 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry1.401.33 (15 ratings)1.47 (15 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • No "like" tags