Article: How to find direct clients
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Apr 19, 2006

This topic is for discussion of the translation article "How to find direct clients".

3ADE shadab
3ADE shadab
Local time: 21:44
Hindi to English
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Thanks ! Feb 7, 2008

being new to this industry , this will really helpful


Mike (de Oliveira) Brady
Mike (de Oliveira) Brady  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Portuguese to English
+ ...
On search engine ads and pricing Dec 19, 2008

I would like to make three points.

Firstly, from time to time I place search engine advertisements on Google and a popular Brazilian site, UOL. While this does bring traffic to my website, I cannot say I have ever received a client as a result of it. I don't believe it is cost effective and only resort to this strategy if things are really quiet in the hope it will provide some benefit. I do get traffic to my site due to it appearing in search engine listings (the normal listing, no
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I would like to make three points.

Firstly, from time to time I place search engine advertisements on Google and a popular Brazilian site, UOL. While this does bring traffic to my website, I cannot say I have ever received a client as a result of it. I don't believe it is cost effective and only resort to this strategy if things are really quiet in the hope it will provide some benefit. I do get traffic to my site due to it appearing in search engine listings (the normal listing, not the sponsored links) and have gained several repeat clients as a result of this.

To know what brings people to your website I would strongly recommend a traffic tracking system. This will show you the link that led someone to your site and the pages they visited. The system I use is free and is excellent. It is:

My second point is to do with pricing. You may be familiar with the way that budget airlines operate. People that book first pay a lower price for their seats. As the plane begins to fill, the price increases. I think elements of this approach are useful in pricing work, particularly when responding to quote requests through sites such as this where potential clients will make a decision based on perhaps 30 or more offers. My approach is to use my lowest rate when I have spare time to fill and am particularly interested in a job. When time is tighter, or I think the job will require a higher investment in time/word count, then I quote at a higher level. Some jobs I think it is only worth taking on if they pay well and quote accordingly. I am unlikely to get them, but sometimes that is better than feeling the work is not worth the reward.

As a third point, it is always important to highlight experience specific to a job. I have often won a contract because my experience has been more directly relevant than other translators, even if I have been a little more expensive. And I guess the same goes for jobs that have gone to other translators!

Morano El-Kholy
Morano El-Kholy  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:14
Member (2011)
English to Arabic
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You posted a very important theme. Apr 29, 2012

My dear colleague.. You really posted a very important theme. This article represents an important issue that concerns every translator. All of us keep searching & asking "How to find direct clients". You are right. We are in continuous search for those clients!
Thanks for the tips. Hoping all the best for you.


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Article: How to find direct clients

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