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Abnormal number of profile visitors
Thread poster: Christel Zipfel
SandraV  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
Member (2004)
English to Spanish
+ ...
I have 1280 visits from this same New York visitor. Jan 6

Zea_Mays wrote:

The "visitor" with now 3285 visists is from New York, ID 24640253.

I have 1280 visits from this same New York visitor.

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:38
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
visitor vs visits Jan 7

SandraV wrote:

Zea_Mays wrote:

The "visitor" with now 3285 visists is from New York, ID 24640253.

I have 1280 visits from this same New York visitor.

It looks like the system is counting VISITS from this entity (which could be a crawling bot) as visitors.

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Abnormal number of profile visitors

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