Deirdre Brophy wrote:
I suppose it depends on who you would like to attract to your blog...
If you would like feedback from Italian-speaking translators, why not an Italian blog?
If you want to use the blog to attract potential English-speaking customers, I suppose an English blog would be best.
Thanks, Deirdre,
that's exactly the point. I wish to create at first an interaction channel with professional translators (in my fields) to use as a feedback for my translaton projects and homeworks; in a second step -in my mind- it could even be something like a portfolio for potential English-speaking customers.
...too ambitious, maybe, but I'm just exploring the possibilities...
Deirdre Brophy wrote:
Of course, it can be difficult to produce good quality content in a second language!
I agree. But please note that translations would be the only kind of contents. No comments, no articles, nothing more than original and translated texts.