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How fast can DeepL translate?
Thread poster: Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Mar 9, 2019

Dear all,

I wonder if any of you know at what speed DeepL can translate. More precisely, I need to know, for academic purposes, how many words per second it can process (or words per hour, even though it is not the most appropriate value for MT software).

Could you help me obtain this datum, please?

Thank you all in advance!

[Edited at 2019-03-09 18:35 GMT]

Yoana Ivanova
Yoana Ivanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:47
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Take a look here Mar 11, 2019

"DeepL's revolutionary neural architecture runs on a supercomputer in Iceland, capable of 5.1 petaFLOPS (5 100 000 000 000 000 operations per second), enough power to translate a million words in under a second."

I can't say how reliable this information is, however.

Edit: It is the information
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"DeepL's revolutionary neural architecture runs on a supercomputer in Iceland, capable of 5.1 petaFLOPS (5 100 000 000 000 000 operations per second), enough power to translate a million words in under a second."

I can't say how reliable this information is, however.

Edit: It is the information given everywhere online, where the speed is mentioned.

[Edited at 2019-03-11 09:04 GMT]

Simone De Biase
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Unknown, really Mar 11, 2019

Yoana Ivanova wrote:
"DeepL's revolutionary neural architecture runs on a supercomputer in Iceland, capable of 5.1 petaFLOPS (5 100 000 000 000 000 operations per second), enough power to translate a million words in under a second."

This information is from a press release (what would explain why it is repeated everywhere). The "5.1" figure is sufficiently precise to make it believable, but "a million" sounds like a rounded-off number. Besides, the fact that DeepL runs on this computer doesn't mean the entire supercomputer is available to DeepL. It is doubtful that the DeepL company actually owns the supercomputer. In addition, the speed of translation would be limited to the speed of input (and possibly output as well).

Simone De Biase
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:47
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Connection Mar 11, 2019

I imagine it would also depend on how fast your computer or device is, the quality of your router and how you are connected to it, the quality of your ISP and, crucially, how far away you are from the main servers (in Iceland, apparently).

[Edited at 2019-03-11 09:23 GMT]

Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Thank you Mar 11, 2019

Thank you kindly, Samuel, Yoana, and Tom!

[Edited at 2019-03-11 09:40 GMT]

Yoana Ivanova
Yoana Ivanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:47
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Theoretical number Mar 11, 2019

Samuel Murray wrote:

It is doubtful that the DeepL company actually owns the supercomputer. In addition, the speed of translation would be limited to the speed of input (and possibly output as well).

I agree, with a bit more googling one can find that the supercomputer is owned by Verne Global. It's more of a theoretical number, if the full capicity is employed, which it likely never will be. But it doesn't seem like there's any better information available to the public out there.

Simone De Biase
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:47
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Fast doesn't mean it's good Mar 11, 2019

No matter how fast it is it still produces laughably inaccurate translations. For a good translation you need to go through the source text slowly and carefully - not as fast as you can. And then you need to go over your first translation again, correcting it. And then you need to do it again, and probably two or three more times. Then you need to sleep on it, and read it again, maybe even printing it and correcting the printed copy before finalising it.

Deepl can't do that becau
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No matter how fast it is it still produces laughably inaccurate translations. For a good translation you need to go through the source text slowly and carefully - not as fast as you can. And then you need to go over your first translation again, correcting it. And then you need to do it again, and probably two or three more times. Then you need to sleep on it, and read it again, maybe even printing it and correcting the printed copy before finalising it.

Deepl can't do that because a good translation requires slow, attentive, critical evaluation.

[Edited at 2019-03-11 12:55 GMT]

Simone De Biase
Katalin Szilárd
Dorothee Rault (Witt)
Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Thank you kindly, Yoana Mar 11, 2019

Yoana Ivanova wrote:

"DeepL's revolutionary neural architecture runs on a supercomputer in Iceland, capable of 5.1 petaFLOPS (5 100 000 000 000 000 operations per second), enough power to translate a million words in under a second."

I can't say how reliable this information is, however.

Edit: It is the information given everywhere online, where the speed is mentioned.

[Edited at 2019-03-11 09:04 GMT]

Thank you kindly, Yoana!

I'll ask my co-supervisor how I could use that value.

P.S.: I've quoted you on my MA thesis that I'm currently writing, Yoana!

Yoana Ivanova
Yoana Ivanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:47
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Couldn't agree more Mar 11, 2019

Tom in London wrote:

No matter how fast it is it still produces laughably inaccurate translations.

You're absolutely right. It'll be a long time before MT can really claim to produce output remotely comparable to that of a human translator.

Although DeepL in particular has made such claims. I did a comparison once just to get a good laugh out of it. Both DeepL and Google Translate are terrible, but DeepL with all its claims had the worse result.

However, the OP said it's for academic purposes, so I don't think he will actually be using it for translation, just wants to have the numbers.

Tom in London
Simone De Biase
Yoana Ivanova
Yoana Ivanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:47
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
More links Mar 11, 2019

Simone De Biase wrote:

Thank you kindly, Yoana!

I'll ask my co-supervisor how I could use that value.

P.S.: I've quoted you on my MA thesis that I'm currently writing, Yoana!

Here are some more links that may be helpful:

(from Verne Global, who own the supercomputer)

(all of the press releases in one place)

(why Iceland)

Simone De Biase
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:47
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Oh dear Mar 11, 2019

Oh dear....I used to rent an apt. from Cushman and Wakefield.

"Dear landlord
Please don't put a price on my soul"

(Bob Dylan)

[Edited at 2019-03-11 10:32 GMT]

Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Yoana is right, I just need the numbers. Mar 11, 2019

Yoana Ivanova wrote:

However, the OP said it's for academic purposes, so I don't think he will actually be using it for translation, just wants to have the numbers.

Indeed. I have done a translation experiment for my MA thesis that I'm currently writing and hope to finish within the end of next week (fingers crossed)

Wish me good luck, please!

[Edited at 2019-03-11 11:24 GMT]

Simone De Biase
Simone De Biase
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Thank you, Yoana Mar 11, 2019

Yoana Ivanova wrote:

Simone De Biase wrote:

Thank you kindly, Yoana!

I'll ask my co-supervisor how I could use that value.

P.S.: I've quoted you on my MA thesis that I'm currently writing, Yoana!

Here are some more links that may be helpful:

(from Verne Global, who own the supercomputer)

(all of the press releases in one place)

(why Iceland)

Thank you very much, Yoana.
I hope I'll have the time to give a look at those links. Thank you, again!

Yoana Ivanova
Yoana Ivanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:47
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Good luck Mar 12, 2019

Simone De Biase wrote:

Indeed. I have done a translation experiment for my MA thesis that I'm currently writing and hope to finish within the end of next week (fingers crossed)

Wish me good luck, please!

[Edited at 2019-03-11 11:24 GMT]

Good luck with your thesis! I'd be interested in reading it when you're finished. If that's okay, I'd be happy, if you drop me a message/email.

Simone De Biase
Helga Lemiere
Helga Lemiere  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
German to French
Fast and bad quality Mar 12, 2019

never accept post-editing of MT-translations. Any translator should refuse to handle this kind of task. Translation is a complex art, translators build the bridges between countries, beautiful bridges and not fast no issue highways. And by the way, handle these kind of translation is like cutting the branch on which we translators are sitting !

Simone De Biase
Katalin Szilárd
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