Engineering Translations: Building Bridges
Author: Alex Greenland
Alex Greenland was born in the UK in 1956 and was �emigrated� to New Zealand when a year old. In 1977, with a double major in French and German, he took a year off study to rough it through Europe and improve his purely academic languages, then returned to NZ to finish a degree in French, having decided he would be back in Europe one day, for good .... In 1980 he settled in Paris where he taught English and occasionally translated for some years, before moving through a few translation and documentation companies. In 1985 he joined a firm of French dam-design consultants as in-house translator. He has been working freelance since 1989. He works largely in engineering and construction, translating from French into English, and now lives in Normandy. 
By Alex Greenland
Published on 06/3/2005