• Germany02:28
  • Rate per word $0.08 USD
  • Rate per hour $20.00 USD
  • Professional experience translating:
  • Books
  • Poetry
Working on the English translation of "The Anti-Semite Makers", a political volume by Abraham Melzer, a German Jew who is highly critical of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and who resents the manner in which even Jews who fit that description are labeled "Anti-Semites" by the Israeli government and its supporters. We are looking for an English-language publisher. German publisher: Westend, Berlin

Herr Melzer has just been nominated for the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize.
Interested in :
  • Books
  • Plays
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • Songs
Specializing in:
  • Advertising / Public Relations
  • Journalism
  • Music
  • Poetry & Literature
  • History
  • Government / Politics
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
  • Environment & Ecology