• Japan15:41
  • Rate per word €0.12 EUR
  • Rate per hour €70.00 EUR
  • Professional experience translating:
  • Books
Award-winning translator specialized in sports and personal development, as I am a former professional triathlete and a 2-time European champion of motivational speaking.

Books translated in 2020:
"I'll Show You", Derrick ROSE.
"Indistractable", Nir EYAL.
"The Room Where It Happened", John BOLTON
"PSG : une décennie pour rêver plus grand, Clément PERNIA
"Undaunted", John O. Brennan
Interested in :
  • Books
Specializing in:
  • Business/Commerce (general)
  • Government / Politics
  • Finance (general)
  • Poetry & Literature
  • Science (general)
  • Medical: Health Care
  • Medical (general)
  • Medical: Pharmaceuticals
  • Sports / Fitness / Recreation
  • Tourism & Travel

Language variants:

  • Source languages
  • Target languages
  • French – Standard-France