Translation glossary: USA Government Glossary (English-Korean)

Showing entries 151-200 of 326
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Liberty Defense Project자유 수호 프로젝트 
English to Korean
Lodging Industry숙박산업 
English to Korean
Long arm excavator/Long reach excavator긴 팔 굴착기 
English to Korean
March for Our Lives우리 생명을 위한 행진 
English to Korean
Marine Resource Advisory Council해양 자원 자문위원회 
English to Korean
Matching fund매칭 펀드, 자금이 필요한 지자체나 민간에 정부가 예산을 배분해주는 방식 
English to Korean
Matching Grants정률보조금 
English to Korean
Meal shaming수치스러운 급식 관행 
English to Korean
median중앙 분리대 
English to Korean
Median income중간 소득 
English to Korean
Mediation Unit중재 부서 
English to Korean
Meet the Leaders리더와의 만남 
English to Korean
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council중부 대서양 어업 관리 협의회 
English to Korean
Middle Class Tax Cut중산층을 위한 감세 
English to Korean
Millionaire Tax부유세 
English to Korean
Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises, MWBE소수계 및 여성 소유 기업 
English to Korean
Mismanagement부실 관리, 관리 부실, 부실 경영 
English to Korean
Missing In Action, MIA전투중 행방 불명/실종자 
English to Korean
Moral imperative도덕적 의무 
English to Korean
Mt. Neboh Baptist Church마운트 네보 침례 교회 
English to Korean
MTA New York City Transit메트로폴리탄 교통청 뉴욕시 교통국 
English to Korean
English to Korean
Murphy Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies노동자 교육 및 노동 연구를 위한 머피 연구소 
English to Korean
National Forest국유림 
English to Korean
National Marine Fisheries Service국립 수산청 
English to Korean
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration국립 해양 대기 관리국 
English to Korean
National Purple Heart Hall of Honor국립 퍼플 하트 훈장 명예의 전당 
English to Korean
National Rifle Association, NRA전미 총기 협회 
English to Korean
Natural Resources Defense Council천연 자원 보호 위원회 
English to Korean
Net zero energy탄소 중립적인 순 제로 에너지 
English to Korean
New York City Bus Camera program뉴욕시 버스 카메라 프로그램 
English to Korean
New York City Economic Development Corporation, NYCEDC뉴욕시 경제개발공사 
English to Korean
New York City Housing Authority, NYCHA뉴욕시 주택청 
English to Korean
New York National Guard Armory뉴욕주 방위군 훈련장 
English to Korean
New York State Capitol뉴욕주 의사당 
English to Korean
New York State Controlled Substances Act뉴욕주 규제 약물법 
English to Korean
New York State Department of Transportation뉴욕주 교통부 
English to Korean
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services뉴욕주 국토안보 및 비상서비스 사무국 
English to Korean
New York State Division of Veterans Services뉴욕주 퇴역군인국 
English to Korean
New York State Division of Veterans\' Affairs뉴욕주 보훈국 
English to Korean
New York State Energy and Research Development Authority뉴욕주 에너지연구개발청 
English to Korean
New York State Energy Conservation and Construction Code뉴욕주 에너지 보존 및 건축 법규 
English to Korean
New York State Executive Mansion뉴욕주 주지사 관저 
English to Korean
New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, NYS OASAS뉴욕주 알코올 및 약물 남용 서비스국 
English to Korean
New York State Office of Mental Health뉴욕주 정신보건국 
English to Korean
New York State Police뉴욕 주 경찰 
English to Korean
New York State Thruway뉴욕주 스루웨이 
English to Korean
Newborn Screening Program신생아 검진 프로그램 
English to Korean
No Student Goes Hungry Program학생 기아 근절 프로그램 
English to Korean
Northside Transformation Initiative노스사이드 전환 프로그램 
English to Korean
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