Aug 8, 2015 15:19
8 yrs ago
français term

Valeur poulie sortie réducteur

français vers anglais Autre Mécanique / génie mécanique
Found in a 'Tableau de réglage' of a 'suremballeuse'
Change log

Aug 8, 2015 20:07: Yolanda Broad changed "Term asked" from "Valeur poulie sortie reducteur" to "Valeur poulie sortie réducteur"


Traductrice PRO (asker) Aug 9, 2015:
Thanks a lot for your input. The name of the manufacturer is Emballage Technologies.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 8, 2015:
@ Lovenah I sympathize with what is a stinker of a source text.

The questions I would be asking myself if this were mine :
- if the client\'s local and time allows, I\'d ask to go onsite and see this thing for myself (that\'s what I have done in the past with some boat survey reports, although there are usually photos)
- I\'d try to identify the manufacturer of the machine and do some detective wotrk on Google.
- I\'d try and take a more general view and try to track down similar machines on Google images to see examples of how these things work.

None of that may be possible, but some of it certainly is.

You might be onto a winner if you have the name of the manufacturer and it\'s fiesta time is you actually have that with a model number.

Do you have any such info and if so, are you able to share it with us?
Tony M Aug 8, 2015:
@ Chris Precisely!

But then again, it COULD mean \'value at gearbox output pulley\' — and that \'value\' might well be rotational speed, say... As you also say, knwoing the units would help enormously!
Tony M Aug 8, 2015:
@ Asker As usual, your context is woefully inadequate for trying to decipher this highly context-specific term.

In this \'tableau de réglages\', do they give you any of the actual UNITS being used for setting / adjusting these \'values\'? If so, that would definitely be useful extra information to give. Specifically here, where we know for sure it is an actual \'value\'.
chris collister Aug 8, 2015:
However vague the French, I wouldn\'t necessarily recommend putting \"pulley value at gearbox output\". This almost certainly means diameter (what else is in your table? There must be numbers and units, surely?), though the pulleys could be characterised by a range of numbers or letters.