Job closed
This job was closed at Sep 27, 2024 15:00 GMT.

【Canadian French】,Proofreading,about 5.1K words,Trados

Job posted at: Sep 24, 2024 03:24 GMT   (GMT: Sep 24, 2024 03:24)

Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing

Languages: English to French, French

Job description:
The central air conditioning manual needs to be proofread from French (France) to Canada French in Trados.
We need to be Canadian French, but we only have French (France), so we need you to proofread it from French (France) to standard Canadian French. We'll provide you with a Trados file that you can proofread it in Trados. If you are interested, please send your CV.

Poster country: China

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Membership: Non-members may quote after 12 hours
Subject field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Quoting deadline: Sep 27, 2024 15:00 GMT
Delivery deadline: Sep 29, 2024 14:00 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Quotes received: 36 (Job closed)
English to French:16