Discussion for Advanced translator skills virtual event session (2012): You are your own CEO

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Ahmed Badawy
Ahmed Badawy  Identity Verified
Saudi Arabia
Local time: 11:16
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Translator Sep 4, 2012

Thanx for approval

Jiri Lonsky
Jiri Lonsky  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 10:16
Member (2011)
English to Czech
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So far disappointing Sep 24, 2012

Hi you all
Is it just me, or does anyone else have the feeling that our lector is disorganized, the progress of the presentation is SLOW, and, worst of all
it is watered-down corporate speak with little relevance for a freelancer's position???

Jiri Lonsky
Jiri Lonsky  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 10:16
Member (2011)
English to Czech
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Is it just me? Sep 24, 2012

This seem to me an unfocused, watered down corporate speak. I am disappointed, I have expected something little more to the point... Please offer comments...

[Edited at 2012-09-24 09:46 GMT]

Nicole L. R.
Nicole L. R.
Local time: 09:16
Member (2008)
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Kindness Sep 24, 2012

I agree with the "slow" comment, and her presentation can definetely improve, but how about a bit of kindness?

At least she is trying to share something with the community.

Clive Phillips
Clive Phillips  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:16
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Corporate speak Sep 24, 2012

I agree, Jiri, but don't let this put you off. I'm sure there are better presentations to come.

Gabriela, A common mistake is to say 'coherent' when you mean 'consistent' - it's a faux ami. Thank you.

Inge Luus
Inge Luus  Identity Verified
South Africa
Local time: 10:16
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Inspiring presentation Sep 24, 2012

I found the presentation to be inspiring - reminding me what translation is about. I've probably been in a rut, but aren't these industry contacts supposed to remind us of a wider community out there - translating can sometimes make one feel very isolated.

Anna Sarah Krämer
Anna Sarah Krämer
Local time: 10:16
Member (2011)
English to German
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Good presentation Sep 24, 2012

I enjoyed taking a step back and to look in what direction I am moving.

The mentioning of "CEO" in the title should have been a big enough warning for anyone that didn't want to listen to anything resembling corporate speak - although expecations probably could have been managed better by a more detailed description of what this presentation was going to be about.

The speed and organisation of the presentation were good - with enough time to take notes and digest what
... See more
I enjoyed taking a step back and to look in what direction I am moving.

The mentioning of "CEO" in the title should have been a big enough warning for anyone that didn't want to listen to anything resembling corporate speak - although expecations probably could have been managed better by a more detailed description of what this presentation was going to be about.

The speed and organisation of the presentation were good - with enough time to take notes and digest what was being said.

Thank you, Gabriela!

United States
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Good content Sep 24, 2012

Gabriela's content is very informational in my opinion, and I have enjoyed it. However, I would suggest she takes public speaking/ speech classes, since she has certain mannerisms which can be very distracting (stopping every other word with " hmm", or "huh" ); I took a speech class in College and I got the same comment. I believe it has to do with speaking English as a second language, the challenges are numerous and you just don't want to make any mistakes. Overall, the material was good!


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Discussion for Advanced translator skills virtual event session (2012): You are your own CEO

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