Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 1 '12 eng>ita one bedroom cottages cottage muniti di camera da letto pro closed ok
- Feb 29 '12 eng>ita chest thumping battere i pugni sul petto alla Tarzan pro closed ok
- Feb 29 '12 eng>ita have admitted to federal charges si sono dichiarate colpevoli del reato federale di... pro closed ok
4 Feb 29 '12 eng>ita under the advise con la consulenza di easy closed no
- Feb 29 '12 eng>ita set up a hoax mise in scena un'inganno pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '12 eng>ita she had the sight (diceva) di saper prevedere il futuro easy closed no
- Feb 16 '12 eng>ita catch a tiger by the tail giocare col fuoco easy closed ok
4 Feb 17 '12 eng>ita that makes sense ha senso easy closed no
- Feb 14 '12 eng>ita decorative vistas quinte scenografiche pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '12 eng>ita in their tracks (fa sì che) la gente si fermi easy closed ok
4 Feb 12 '12 eng>ita Current Speed compare to Average Speed Above/Below velocità attuale superiore / inferiore alla media pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '12 eng>ita impossibily demanding al limite dell'impossibile pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '12 eng>ita Top five Russian political music videos Russia, i cinque migliori video musicali a tema politico easy closed ok
- Feb 12 '12 eng>ita giving you the gears ti stanno denigrando easy closed no
- Feb 12 '12 eng>ita get it all done Farò/riuscirò a far tutto easy closed no
4 Feb 9 '12 eng>ita either way in un modo o nell'altro easy closed no
- Feb 8 '12 eng>ita bite the bullet ingoia il rospo easy closed no
- Feb 8 '12 eng>ita Hack mercenari dell'arte pro closed no
- Feb 7 '12 eng>ita Advancing understanding of animal sentience Passi avanti nella comprensione della sensibilità animale pro closed ok
4 Feb 6 '12 eng>ita values ciò che reputa importante pro closed no
- Feb 6 '12 eng>ita who's going to make it all better che renderà tutto migliore easy closed no
- Feb 6 '12 eng>ita let's walk over here spostiamoci più in là easy closed ok
- Feb 6 '12 eng>ita ... to ensure that they meet with RS’s corporate responsibility goals per garantire che vadano incontro agli obbiettivi ecc. pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '12 eng>ita We stayed out in Glover driveway. siamo rimasti in via Glover pro closed no
- Feb 5 '12 eng>ita envisage immaginiamo easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered