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[View Powwow Report] powwow: ¡25 años!

June 7, 2024, 5:00 pm
SpainSantiago de CompostelaIn personSpanish
¡Hola gente!

¿Os apetece una quedada en Santiago de Compostela el viernes 7 de junio para celebrar los 25 años de, conocernos en persona y fortalecer nuestra red?

La idea es encontrarnos sobre las 5 de la tarde en el Cafe Casino, Rua del Vilar 35, y hablar de las tendencias del sector, de lo que nos ha servido y no nos ha servido en nuestras carreras y sobre todo disfrutar de una tarde entre gente que habla el mismo idioma (no pun intended 😁).

El evento es para lingüistas, traductores e intérpretes de todos los niveles, lo cual lo hará muy enriquecedor para todo el mundo.

La asistencia en sí es gratuita, cada uno pagará su propia consumación.

Si después de un par de infusiones (o de cañas, vale…) seguimos con gana de charlar, podemos trasladarnos a otro lugar para cenar.

¡Espero veros!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (11) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
raffaella prati  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Andrés Meijide González   ...  
Aida Domenech Nunez   Aida Domenech Nunez  m
Anabel López   Unfortunately, I can't go on this occassion. Have a good time!  n
Charles Luciano dos Santos   Charles Luciano dos Santos  
Maureen Jebiwot   ...  y
Diego Rodríguez Vila   ...  n
Carlos Brailovsky   ...  y
Christelle Costa Justo   En la consumación de la consumición os deseo un alegre encuentro, me encantaría participar de esa quedada, pero estoy con mucho trabajo académico. La próxima vez será, espero. ¡Un cordial saludo!  
XOriol VIP (X)   Oriol Vives i Pérez  
Karinalea   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Santiago de Compostela - Spain
raffaella prati
raffaella prati  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
Member (2008)
German to Italian
+ ...
¡Powwow en Santiago de Compostela a la vista! Apr 18

¿Qué es un powwow?

Es un encuentro informal entre gente del sector, en este caso del mundo de la traducción y de la interpretación.

Será un viernes por la tarde porque suele un día más descargado para la mayoría, así que espero verte y conocerte en persona.

Castellano, gallego, English, italiano, deutsch…

¡Hasta pronto!

Tanya Quintieri
Tanya Quintieri
Local time: 14:26
With you in thoughts and heart Apr 18

Raffaella! What a great idea. Feel free to get in touch: we'd love to send a cake your way for the Powwow!

raffaella prati
raffaella prati
raffaella prati  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
Member (2008)
German to Italian
+ ...
With you in thoughts and heart May 6

Tanya Quintieri wrote:

Raffaella! What a great idea. Feel free to get in touch: we'd love to send a cake your way for the Powwow!

That's wonderful Tanya, thank you, I'll keep you posted. I hope that more people will join, it would be nice.

Fancy a flight to Galicia, dear?icon_wink.gif

Carlos Brailovsky
Carlos Brailovsky
Local time: 14:26
English to Spanish
+ ...
¡Que buena idea! May 28

Gracias por la invitación. ¡Estaré más que contento de conoceros!

raffaella prati
Oriol VIP (X)
Oriol VIP (X)
Local time: 14:26
English to Spanish
+ ...
Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled this time! May 28

I will join as long as it doesn't get cancelled this time! Last time in Barcelona it was a complete disaster, it got cancelled last minute! I know it was a woman who organized it, but I can't remember her name, sorry!

[Edited at 2024-05-28 10:26 GMT]

raffaella prati
raffaella prati  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
Member (2008)
German to Italian
+ ...
Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled this time! Jun 6

Oriol VIP (X) wrote:

I will join as long as it doesn't get cancelled this time! Last time in Barcelona it was a complete disaster, it got cancelled last minute! I know it was a woman who organized it, but I can't remember her name, sorry!

[Edited at 2024-05-28 10:26 GMT]

The event was not cancelled but no Oriol VIP appeared. Everything ok?

[Edited at 2024-06-09 07:43 GMT]

raffaella prati
raffaella prati  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
Member (2008)
German to Italian
+ ...
Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled this time! Jun 6

Oriol VIP (X) wrote:

I will join as long as it doesn't get cancelled this time! Last time in Barcelona it was a complete disaster, it got cancelled last minute! I know it was a woman who organized it, but I can't remember her name, sorry!

[Edited at 2024-05-28 10:26 GMT]

It won't be cancelled, Oriol, although apparently not many people are coming (so feel free to invite more colleaguesicon_wink.gif )

Will you please kindly confirm attendance here?

Cake is waiting, see you tomorrow!


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