Translation in 意大利

Freelance translators and translation companies

The translation industry in Italy is very diverse and therefore it is not possible to provide accurate statistics. There is no law regulation to the profession and basically everyone can work as a translator nowadays, but there are some translators' associations making efforts in order to achieve some kind of consistency in the translation business.

Most part of technical and scientific translators make business with translation agencies, while editorial translators often have to make contacts with publishing houses directly. On the other hand, universities, cultural associations and institutions are the main business partners to translators working in classical studies fields such as religion, history and philosophy. There is very little room for in-house translators nowadays. Most translators are freelancers (VAT registered) but there is also a strong presence of people working as translators under other contract forms such as pure occasional collaboration.

Globalization and Internet development (as well the development of softwares for online collaboration) are changing Italian translation industry very fast. Nowadays many italian translators tend to work for foreign agencies, expecially those which work in high profile scopes (such as genetics, finance and so on). On the other hand there is a strong reduction of the mid-profile workload (non-specialized user's guides, newspaper articles in not specific fields, ...) and this has led to a constant downgrading of these translations' value, both in terms of quality and tariffs offered.

Main translators' associations in Italy are ANITI (Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) and AITI (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti).

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Translation associations and schools in 意大利

AssociationAssociazione Nazionale Interpreti di Conferenza Professionisti
SchoolUniversità degli studi G.D'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara
SchoolUniversità degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo"
SchoolRoma Tre - Università degli Studi
SchoolUniversità degli Studi di Enna "Kore"
SchoolScuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Milano
SchoolUniversità degli Studi di Udine
SchoolScuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Gregorio VII"
SchoolUniversità degli Studi di Padova
SchoolIstituto Superiore Interpreti Traduttori, Fondazione SCM

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Upcoming and past events in 意大利

Powwow 意大利 - Rome Mar 22
Powwow 意大利 - Reggio di Calabria, Calabria Feb 20
Powwow 意大利 - Palermo Dec 15, 2023
Powwow 意大利 - Vitorchiano Feb 11, 2023
Powwow 意大利 - Virtual powwow Oct 21, 2022
Powwow 意大利 - Treviso, Veneto Mar 28, 2022
Powwow 意大利 - Fiorano Modenese Mar 1, 2022
Powwow 意大利 - Treviso, Veneto Feb 21, 2022
Powwow 意大利 - Milan Jan 22, 2022
Powwow 意大利 - Treviso, Veneto Dec 20, 2021

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意大利 vital statistics
Time now
01:09 CEST (GMT+2)

(2 hrs ahead of you)
Official languageItalian意大利语

Largest citiesRome, Milano, Napoli, Turin
CurrencyEuro (EUR)
Calling code+39 in Italian意大利语 users in 意大利
Logged in now6
Translation companies9
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