Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 26, 2024 10:09 GMT.

Translation Services for Healthcare Mobile Application

Geplaatst: Mar 16, 2024 09:22 GMT   (GMT: Mar 16, 2024 09:22)
Goedkeuring en kennisgevingen verzonden aan: Mar 16, 2024 17:28 GMT

Job type: Vertaal-/corrigeer-/proefleesopdracht
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Talen: Engels naar Arabisch, Engels naar Chinees, Engels naar Duits, Engels naar Frans, Engels naar Portugees, Engels naar Russisch, Engels naar Spaans, Engels naar Turks, Engels naar Urdu

Beschrijving van de offerteaanvraag:
Our application contains approximately 25,000 strings, encompassing both general and professional terminology specific to the healthcare domain. We are keen to translate this content from English into the following languages:

We are looking for agencies for delivering high-quality translation services and would like to invite them to submit a proposal for this project. Specifically, we would appreciate detailed information regarding the following:

Pricing: Please provide a breakdown of your pricing structure for translating the entire content into each of the aforementioned languages. Additionally, if you offer any bulk discounts or package deals, kindly include those details as well.

Process: We are interested in understanding your approach to translating our content. Please outline your translation methodology, including any quality assurance measures you have in place to ensure accuracy and consistency across languages.

Timeline: Given the scope of our project, we would like to receive an estimated timeline for completing the translations into each language. Please indicate the expected turnaround time from the commencement of the project to the final delivery of translated content.

Expertise: We value expertise in the healthcare domain and seek translators who possess a deep understanding of medical terminology. Please provide information about your team's experience and qualifications in this field.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial for the success of any project. Please describe how you will keep us informed throughout the translation process and address any queries or concerns that may arise.

Methode van betaling: Bankoverboeking
Poster country: Spanje

Volume: 25,000 words

Doel van dienstverlener (gespecificeerd door opdrachtgever achter deze offerteaanvraag):
Onderwerpveld: Medisch: Gezondheidszorg
Uiterste indiendatum offertes: Mar 26, 2024 10:09 GMT
Leverdatum: Jul 31, 2024 10:09 GMT
Over de opdrachtgever:
This job was posted by a logged in visitor.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: International Operations Coordinator