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Search results: (868 matches)
Translation Project / Vendor Management Do agencies use bots? A famous streaming platform… …I used to work for had (and I think still has)
an immediate ban in place for those who use bots
to harvest jobs. So, yes, it could very well be in
your case.
Gianni Pastore May 24
General technical issues How best to handle a bilingual Excel file? Do you have Excel? If so, I think the fastest way is to work in
Excel, using some command (this depends on the
Excel version you have) to select only odd and
even rows and then copying/pasting the results
Gianni Pastore Feb 19
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Are you vegan? Happy for you! [quote]Helena Chavarria wrote: My muscles seem
to be ok. I do Pilates two or three times a week,
plus I walk at least 7 km a day. I haven't lost
weight, nor have I put any on. Howeve
Gianni Pastore Jan 6
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Are you vegan? I.F. [quote]Helena Chavarria wrote: I enjoy looking
after myself and that includes eating well. I'm
not vegan but I only eat meat and fish once or
twice a week. I've never let myself get ove
Gianni Pastore Jan 6
Subtitling Which software for subtitles with Netflix rules? I don't think… …you will find a "100% Netflix rules compliant"
software. Yes, you can easily set some parameters
such as CPS etc., but shot changes are an issue,
they are detected differently from soft
Gianni Pastore Jan 4 profile help Profile visitors The CIA [quote]expressisverbis wrote: someone from the
USA, Virginia, who has been visiting my profile
every day and several times during the
day. [/quote] Apparently, in Langley there's
Gianni Pastore Oct 21, 2023
Business issues Linkedin profile and personal website - useful or not? Had a profile on LinkedIn… …for about 15 years, not a single client or job
came out of it, not one. Ditched it for good last
year. I have a personal website but it's nothing
more than a link I can put in my email
Gianni Pastore Oct 4, 2023
Italian Traduzione dialoghi film per adulti Fatti pagare… [quote]produzioneav wrote: Salve, ho accettato
un lavoro di traduzione di dialoghi di film per
adulti con un certo timore e un pizzico di
imbarazzo. Qualcuno ha esperienza nel
Gianni Pastore Sep 12, 2023
Subtitling Spotting for quick shot changes in documentary Not all agencies [quote]Mr. Satan wrote: Unfortunately, this is
no longer a valid option if you’re working with
subtitling agencies. They really hate it when you
modify the master templates, even if t
Gianni Pastore Aug 20, 2023
Subtitling Spotting for quick shot changes in documentary The shot change rule obsession... [quote]Lisa Cernohorsky Oliveira wrote: I've
learned that ideally you shouldn't spread a
sentence over several subtitles
[/quote] …is taking over the subtitling
practice an
Gianni Pastore Aug 19, 2023
Powwows Powwow: Vitorchiano - Italy Powwow canceled Grazie a tutti per l'interesse. Alla prossima
Gianni Pastore Feb 10, 2023
Powwows Powwow: Vitorchiano - Italy Ciao! Vi pregherei di confermare o meno la presenza
entro giovedì sera, in modo che venerdì possa
prenotare il tavolo. Grazie, a presto!
Gianni Pastore Feb 6, 2023
Subtitling Ask me anything about subtitling Thanks! [quote]Max Deryagin wrote: Hi Gianni, Yeah,
Vosk and Kaldi aren't very good, but the new
Whisper is supposed to be somewhat better. Have
you tried it? Here's a comparison: Vosk/Kaldi
Gianni Pastore Nov 24, 2022
Subtitling Ask me anything about subtitling Vosk/Kaldi speech recognition Hi Max and all I was wondering if you or anyone
else had some kind of success with the
Audio-to-Text function in Subtitle Edit? I am
playing with some settings right now but spotting
Gianni Pastore Nov 23, 2022
Off topic Which music are you listening to now, in 2021? So… [quote]Tom in London wrote: I don't think
anyone's all that interested to know what kind of
music other random self-selecting people happen to
be listening to. Anyway rather than listen
Gianni Pastore Nov 15, 2022
Subtitling Subtitle Edit: How to detect 12 frames Tools > Netflix Quality Check [quote]Dr. Jens Burgert wrote: Hey guys,
the Netflix specification says minimum 2
frames between 2 subtitles or at least 12 frames
per second. I can set the minimum distance in the<
Gianni Pastore Oct 27, 2022
Subtitling Software for extracting subtitle from video voice I have tried… …the Audio to Text function embedded in Subtitle
Edit and it's just a waste of time. It takes hours
to extract text from dialogues for films > 60
minutes and it's wrong most of the time
Gianni Pastore Oct 27, 2022
Subtitling Min and max duration of subtitles What do you mean? Usually, the cps is set by the client and it never
changes. If the duration of a given subtitle is
shortened, then you work on your phrasing by
reducing the number of words/characters to f
Gianni Pastore Feb 6, 2022
Subtitling What is 'experience working with Netflix'? Indeed [quote]Thayenga wrote: Perhaps they actually
mean that you must be familiar with the Netflix
guidelines. Other than this I agree with Mohamad.
[/quote] Netflix guidelines are very s
Gianni Pastore Sep 2, 2021
Italian Data collection for a study in Italian I've done it [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Gianni
Pastore wrote: [quote]Tom in London
wrote: Some of the questions are very revealing
about the attitudes of **some** Italians towards
Gianni Pastore Nov 9, 2020
Italian Data collection for a study in Italian Maybe you meant... [quote]Tom in London wrote: Some of the
questions are very revealing about the attitudes
of **some** Italians towards others.
[/quote] ...the "idea" that **some**
non-italians ha
Gianni Pastore Nov 9, 2020
Italian 100.000 parole in una settimana Hai sbagliato, dovevi accettare, imporre una tariffa di 1 Euro a
parola e poi suddividere il lavoro con altri 9
traduttori offrendo 0.10 a parola :)
Gianni Pastore Jul 28, 2020
Subtitling How many minutes per day? Sit-com & Reality are the worst… …in terms of number of subs, they are fast paced
shows with hardly any pause between boxes. But
kid's show are even worst because of a strictier
number of characters per second (approx 1
Gianni Pastore Oct 17, 2019
Trados support How can I open a return package? The project... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: hope that the
project is still in the list
[/quote] ...remains on the list as long as you
don't move the folder in which Trados unpacked the
Gianni Pastore Apr 7, 2018
Trados support How can I open a return package? Can't you work on the file as usual... ...and then create a new return package? I am not
sure you can open a return package
Gianni Pastore Apr 6, 2018
Windows operating systems Win7/64 won't update - error 80246005 Thanks a lot! [quote]Nick Hoyle wrote: The culprit is
Nalpeiron Licensing Service, which needs to run
when you use SDL Studio. [/quote] I 've been
trying to fix this FOR AGES, in fact I have
Gianni Pastore Feb 14, 2018
Italian Dichiarazione privacy/cookie sul proprio sito internet neanche io... [quote]MLinaB wrote: non ho mai conosciuto
utente che abbia subito sanzioni.

[Editado a las 2018-01-22 19:46 GMT]
[/quote] sono minimo 6.000 euro di multa,
Gianni Pastore Jan 23, 2018
Italian Dichiarazione privacy/cookie sul proprio sito internet Ciao a tutti avrei un paio di domande per coloro
che hanno un sito internet: 1) avete
implementato il famigerato banner sull'uso dei
cookie, relativamente alla policy emessa dal
Gianni Pastore Jan 19, 2018
Trados support An error occurred whilst trying to determine the file version You are welcome [quote]TanyaStankeva wrote: That's the best
workaround to this problem ever! Thanks so much
for offering it. While I realise it did not work
for you in the best way, it saved me a day o
Gianni Pastore Dec 1, 2017
Italian Agenzia italiana va in ferie senza pagare le fatture Sure, but my point being that [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Gianni
Pastore wrote: .. abbandonare l'Italia se poi
si continua a lavorare con agenzie italiane, no?
Detto questo, massima solidarietà :)
Gianni Pastore Aug 8, 2017
Italian Agenzia italiana va in ferie senza pagare le fatture Serve a poco... .. abbandonare l'Italia se poi si continua a
lavorare con agenzie italiane, no? Detto questo,
massima solidarietà :)
Gianni Pastore Aug 8, 2017
Italian Elenchi puntati: punteggiatura e maiuscole/minuscole In genere... ...mi attengo al testo sorgente, che nel 90%
delle volte è il tuo esempio 1). Se ci sono
molte inconsistency (una voce col punto finale
quando le altre non ce l'hanno,
Gianni Pastore May 15, 2017
Subtitling Netflix Hermes test Thanks Elena but... [quote]Elena Pizzetti wrote: [quote]Gianni
Pastore wrote: ...but what do you think of the
system requirements for the test? I registered and
all only to discover that I couldn't star
Gianni Pastore Apr 9, 2017
Subtitling Netflix Hermes test A little OT... ...but what do you think of the system
requirements for the test? I registered and all
only to discover that I couldn't start the test
because my OS is Win7 (Win 8+ required) and I have
Gianni Pastore Apr 9, 2017
Off topic What do you see from your window? (Post a pic) Nope [quote]Tom in London wrote: Everything is
tilting dangerously to the right ! [/quote] No,
it's not. House's corner is perfectly aligned with
the vertical white
axis. [URL=http
Gianni Pastore Apr 21, 2015
Off topic What do you see from your window? (Post a pic) Earthquake? [quote]Tom in London wrote: Yes - it's just a
pity that you seem to have taken this photograph
during an earthquake. [/quote] What do you
Gianni Pastore Apr 21, 2015
Trados support An error occurred whilst trying to determine the file version "Solved" Eventually I had to reopen the original package
and substitute the empty TM with the one I had in
the "damaged folder", which luckily was OK. I got
all 100% matches but I lost all comments
Gianni Pastore Mar 3, 2015
Trados support An error occurred whilst trying to determine the file version Hi, yesterday I finished a huge project and closed
Studio 2014 SP2. All well. Made two back up copies
of the folder on different disks. This morning
I'm trying to open the project but I
Gianni Pastore Mar 1, 2015
Off topic Accomodation in New York Thank you [quote]almacarle wrote: try in internet
something like change a room he gives his room
in Italy and American gives a room in New
york free exchange or free stay in new york
Gianni Pastore Mar 25, 2013
Off topic Accomodation in New York Hey all a relative of mine is going to stay in
New York for three months (April to June) for a
stage to be held in the financial district. He's
looking for accomodation as cheap as poss
Gianni Pastore Mar 24, 2013
Italian Secondo il cliente non ho mostrato abbastanza interesse! A costo di sembrare rude... [quote]Giuseppe Bellone wrote: Il tutto senza
dirmi nemmeno chi/cosa fosse, senza dati di alcun
genere (a parte un nome in calce e un numero di
telefono che ho controllato e sembrava
Gianni Pastore Feb 26, 2013
Italian Virus della Polizia di Stato da Info qui
Gianni Pastore Jan 31, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy L'appuntamento... ...è per le ore 12-12.30 in Vicolo dei Pellegrini
2, presso il locale tipico MagnaMagna. Qui potremo
prendere un aperitivo e far due chiacchiere in
attesa che arrivino tutti, poi andremo
Gianni Pastore Oct 18, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy confermo anch'io [quote]smarinella wrote: sì, vengo anch'io, come
diceva una famosa visita al Palazzo
dei papi, che non sono mai riuscita a vedere, è
la classica ciliegina sulla torta! [/qu
Gianni Pastore Oct 18, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Confermo la mia partecipazione [quote]Gloria Fiorani wrote: Confermo la mia
partecipazione, ma non so come si faccia a
cambiare lo status... [/quote] Grazie Gloria! Per
lo status basta cliccare su quelle due freccette<
Gianni Pastore Oct 18, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Per favore modificate il vs status nella pagina del PowWow al
più presto, ho bisogno di sapere quanti siamo. I
non-status verranno considerati come non
partecipanti entro stasera alle
17.00. Gra
Gianni Pastore Oct 17, 2012
Health and lifestyle for language professionals How to Quit Smoking Without Going Bankrupt? I Need Hints Yep [quote]Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote: From 20-40 a
day to 0, 13 years ago.
Smoking/dp/014103940X [/quote] This ^ . From
30/day to 0
Gianni Pastore Oct 17, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Dopo pranzo, dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, per chi lo desidera, è
possibile visitare il Museo Colle del Duomo (con
scavo etrusco), che include anche il Palazzo
Papale (solo Sala del Conclave) e la Loggia de
Gianni Pastore Oct 16, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy dove andiamo? [quote]Vania Dionisi wrote: :) [/quote] ho un
paio di opzioni ancora aperte, entro giovedì vi
farò sapere ;)
Gianni Pastore Oct 16, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Ciao potreste cortesemente aggiornare il vs status nel
box per confermare o meno la presenza? Domani mi
recherò al ristorante per la prenotazione e ho
bisogno di sapere quanti siamo. Grazie! G
Gianni Pastore Oct 16, 2012

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